Jordan: Shit Homer. So we’ve actually started this thing. Back in the day, Homer and I wanted to do something with the “ethnic food.” And it would have been fucking sweet, but it never really happened.
Homer: I think what it was, was we were going to go shopping every week, and cook some new ethnic dish for everyone our floor in the college dorms.
Jordan: And hit it with the chicks.
Homer: Yeah that would have been sweet.
Jordan: Hell yeah, my friend. But I would rather enjoy the food experience myself, and not have girl issues get in the way of the food enjoyment. So screw you chicks. Anyway, none of this ever happened. And here we are, seven years later.
Homer: So I was driving home the other day, and I happened to pass what I thought was a sweet new restaurant. It was Caribbean. And the first thing I thought of, was to call my buddy Jordan.
Jordan: Why?
Homer: I don’t know. Maybe it is because you are brown.
Jordan: That is as good a reason as any. But it was probably about the food right?
Homer: Yeah, I had kind of fallen into a rut food wise recently. That is evidenced by the 6 foot stacks of pizza boxes in my laundry room.
Jordan: Why are they in your laundry room?
Homer: Well, it started out as one, but then I was too lazy to take them out with the trash, and eventually, it got so big I just wanted to see how high I could go. Anyway, I felt I needed something more out of food. I guess I sort of remembered the ethnic thing from college, and even though neither one of us wants to cook every week, I don’t see why that should be a reason for us to not eat ethnic every week.
Jordan: Yup. I agree. There is lots of good food out there. Especially lesser known ethnic type restaurants. And I think, since we are ethnic types, can be good judges of the ethnic food experience.
Homer: And what better way to share our judgments? Pronouncements? Opinions? What are we sharing? Whatever it is , what better way to get that information to the people we love, and the people we really don’t care about, than to jump on the internets bandwagon, and create a blog.
Jordan: Word.
Homer: So if there are no objections, that is what we will do. We will seek out new life and new civilizations…wait that was Jean Luc Picard. I am a nerd. We will seek out….
Jordan: New good food.
Homer: Especially here in Omaha, the city where everyone sleeps.
Jordan: No. Omaha is the city where everyone eats. Which can be unfortunate. But not for us!!!!
Homer: Get ready kids, you are about to experience Brown on the Towne. That’s with an E.
Jordan: For Ethnic.